Professional Development Journal

Professional Development Journal


We have some exciting news!

We are excited to release our very first eBook.

The aim of this simple eBook is to provide an easy way for Educators to record their professional learning throughout the year. How many times do you jot down learning opportunities and have loose notes and paperwork everywhere?

Well, we have a solution…. This provides you with an easy way to keep your notes in one place, take jottings, maximise your learning opportunities, share your newfound knowledge and experiences with your team members and most importantly critically reflect on what possible changes, ideas, and thoughts you have about this learning. Become the best Educator you can be!

Professional learning takes on many domains; face to face, webinars, professional articles, blogs, books and so much more…

This has been specifically designed by our Educational Team to allow you to add as many pages to your journal as you require. Your learning has no limits.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world” Nelson Mandela.

Let’s start valuing our learning and instil a lifelong love of learning in each child we nurture.

So go on download one today you won’t regret it.

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